Tuesday, December 14, 2004


I have just edited this post to remove all of the blahblah about when I was diagnosed, with what, and all the meds I have taken, do take, will take, and all the procedures, drug trials and treatments I have undergone.

I realized that that information is precisely what you will find on any other "I have a disease" web site, and I am nothing if not determined to make this site about more than that. Not that there's anything wrong with that! ;) But I just want to do something different with Fantastic*Aplastic.

Let's just say this about my health: I know that I am standing on the shoulders of giants, in my family, in the medical community, in my friendships. With all of the sadness, challenge and loss that comes with having a disease like Aplastic, I know that I remain incredibly lucky. And so are you, no matter what disease you are facing and no matter how long the odds.

This site is about positivity; about accepting that life has handed you not a bright yellow lemon, but a big stinky turd of a health challenge. So here at Fantastic*Aplastic we are gonna make some turd sandwiches. {I know. You'd prefer lemonade}.

What I'm trying to say in my usual scatological way is this: Let’s make the most of what we have to work with, working to stay as healthy, happy and positive as possible within whatever limits we have.

I hope that this site gives you some laughter, some ideas, and a great deal of hope. You are not at the mercy of external forces, and you are not alone. You have more power over your life than you think possible, and you can always come here to remind yourself of that fact.

Si, se puede. Yes, it can be done.


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