Thursday, May 31, 2007

Barf Nadir

Apparently, the two-week period after transplant is called "the nadir," referring both to the low level of blood counts and the low-level of feel-good. After an absolutely smashing transplant (which is essentially 15 minutes of what looks like V-8 juice being infused--very anticlimactic), four hours later all hell broke loose. Fevers, chills, barfing, more barfing, high blood pressure, just a completely dismal 24-hour period that followed. Which is why you didn't hear from me yesterday. I think I had fooled myself into thinking that "the worst is over." Well, as the very funny Julia Sweeney's book was entitled, "God said 'HA!'" I'm reminded that it's not called The Nadir For Everyone But E, or The Nadir For The UnScottish. Nope. It's the Nadir. For everyone. And I suppose that includes me...

I'm better today, so will write about more fun stuff later in the day. During my apex. :)


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