Thursday, November 22, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

It's been a rough week healthwise, but never so bad that I forget I'm standing on the shoulders of giants; that I am among the luckiest of the lucky ducks in the universe.

We're having a simple 3-person Thanksgiving dinner, but one nonetheless replete with gratitude and joy for, quite simply, the fact that I am here to eat it. Dayenu.

"Dayenu" is a Hebrew word meaning, "It would have been enough," taken from the Passover Seder. It's a means of expressing gratitude for all the little miracles that have to come together for the end result (the thing we usually say we're thankful for) to occur. It makes you stop and say thanks for all the little things that matter.

So in that regard, let me say Thank You:

For a stranger who agreed to give her stem cells to another stranger. Dayenu.

For doctors who have made it their lives' work to find cures for diseases. Dayenu.

For family and friends who love and support and care for me. Dayenu.

For parents who made me who I am; my mother who gives me love and support, and my father whose presence from beyond continues to light my path--especially when the way seems darkest. Dayenu.

Finally, for the two people who make my life worth living, in sickness or in health. Dayenu.

May you all have a truly blessed Thanksgiving.


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